The Domaine Château Le Bocage


1 Castle Street

52500 Savigny,

Haute Marne France

Tel. : 31 (0)683094631

GSM : 31 (0)683094631



The domain Le Bocage Zalen en Court

On arrival

The wrought iron gate gives access to the driveway, an extensive walled area with château Le Bocage on the left and opposite St. Hubert hunting lodge with the former stables and courtyard behind it. The estate Le Bocage is located on the edge of the village of Savigny and has a park of more than three hectares with special ancient trees.

The halls of St. Hubert

The former horse stables are located in the large courtyard of St. Hubert, which have been converted into beautiful atmospheric rooms of 150 to 350 m2.

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